Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Do you really think that lifting weights makes women huge?  quotes, controversy, self development,  wisdom, fitness, exercise.   If you like it, repin it :-)  #FastSimpleFitness     Get Free Fitness and Weight Loss News and Tips by Liking Us on: www.facebook.com/FastSimpleFitness:
Women are actually easier to train than men according to every trainer and coach I’ve ever talked to. Once you convince them they won’t get “bulky”.

Ladies, compared to men, you have 10 to 30 times less of the hormones that cause muscle hypertrophy. So, unless you’re getting hormonal “support” in the form of anabolic steroids or massive doses of testosterone (Otherwise known as “East German Acupuncture”) , getting bulging muscles is not going to be a problem.

Here’s what you will get:

1.     Stronger
You’ll be far less dependent on others for assistance in your daily life. You’ll also be far less susceptible to injury. Studies show that even moderate weight training can increase a woman’s strength by 30 to 50%.

2.     You will lose Body Fat
Studies have found that women who train only 2 or 3 times a week can gain nearly 2 pounds of muscle in 2 months. And at the same time they lose about 3.5 pounds of fat! Each pound of muscle you gain will burn 35 to 50 calories each day-even at rest. So gaining 5 pounds of muscle will burn up to 250 extra calories a day-1750 calories a week-7577 calories a month. And that doesn’t count the calories you burn during your workout!
Think of it this way;
If you weigh, say, 132 pounds with 20% body fat you have about 26 pounds of fat. If you gain 8 pounds of muscle over a ten week period and lose only 8 pounds of fat, you weight the same. But your body fat is now only 13.6%

3.     You decrease you’re Risk of Osteoporosis
Weight training can increase spinal bone density by 10-15% in only 6 months.

4.     Weight Training reduces your Risk of Heart Disease
Weight training can reduce your LDL (Bad) cholesterol, increase HDL (good) cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

5.     You will reduce your risk of Diabetes
Weight training can increase glucose utilization by up to 23% in 4 months.

6.     Weight Training can fight Depression
A Harvard study found that 10 weeks of strength training reduced clinical depression symptoms more successfully than counseling.

7.     The Greater your Muscle Mass the Greater you longevity Potential
According to a study at Tufts University, the amount of muscle mass you have is the number-one bio-marker of longevity, a far better marker than total cholesterol or blood pressure.

8.     Strength is the Number 2 bio-marker for Longevity

And age is not a barrier. Many women start in their 50’s 60’s and 70’s.

Watch This 78-Year-Old Grandma Deadlift 225 Pounds Like It Ain't No Thing:

78 year old grandmother deadlifting 225 pounds

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