Tuesday, December 1, 2015

5 Lies That Are Crumbling Up Your Metabolism Like A Piece of Paper

Nowadays it seems as though everybody is starving for ways to boost metabolism in pursuit of losing weight.
In effect the health and fitness industry is pumping out absurd solutions to feed the need. Unfortunately, all too many “solutions” lead south, developing myths like mentioned above which I feel pressed to address now.
5 of the most common myths about metabolism look a lot like this:
1. Eating right before I go to bed will make me fat.
2. My metabolism is genetic, so I have no control over it.

3. I’m heavy so by default my metabolism must be slow.
4. Eating {Insert magical food here} will boost my metabolism.
5. Cardio burns more fat than lifting weights. Bam! I’ll just be a cardio queen!
As we get into the debunking we first need to answer the question, what is metabolism?
Often we are told to think of our metabolism as though it were a fireplace.
That when we feed ourselves regularly we are ‘fueling the fire” causing it to work hard to burn the calories (energy) we put in. But when you stop feeding the fire it slowly dims, jerks the body into caveman mode hoarding and storing everything you eat as fat because it has no idea the next time you will eat, ultimately leading you to put on weight.
Don’t feel bad. I've believed theory too, and even taught it to other people. However my recent year long binge of re-educating myself about nutrition has taught me that metabolism function isn't quite that simple. It is simple to understand, but not as simple as eating more often=burning more fat.
Metabolism is the energy processing domain of the body. Your metabolism is your body’s way of breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and using those pieces to rebuild itself.
With that, your body has 3 main processes that require energy. 
·         Resting metabolic rate (RMR) which is the energy your body requires for essential body functions. Stuff like breathing, your heart beating, and brain function.  60-75% 
·         Activity-induced thermogenesis which is the energy your body requires if you want to do anything beyond sitting on your bum all day. From person to person this is the most variable factor (and the easiest to change/control). 15%
·         Diet-induced thermogenesis which is the energy your body requires to digest food. 10%
When you break it all down only about 10% of your metabolism’s expenditure comes from what you eat! Your RMR requires the most energy at 60%-75% of total daily expenditure. Okay so that’s about as far as I go down that scientific explanation path.
Let’s get into debunking these myths about the metabolism!
Myth #1
Eating right before I go to bed will make me fat.
There is the belief that you will gain weight by eating right before going to bed because during the night your body does not burn calories like it does during the day. Anything but that is the case as the body goes into the “replenish and repair “ mode while still running all your other basic bodily functions during sleep. Therefore, your body is burning just as many calories while you sleep as you would burn on a day without excessive activity.

The real truth is people often eat in excess of their daily calorie needs in the meal right before bed.
It’s not about what time of day you eat, it is how many calories you take in a day.
Which leads me to the point of this myth:
Do not have all of those calories between 2 big meals.
Why? Plain simple logic.
You may have read somewhere that eating 6 meals a day is absurd, coupled with a slew of other food blaspheming slurs, and that may very well be true for you. I personally have an average of 3 meals and 1 snack a day. But in that same article did it mention why eating only big meals is counter-productive?

Big meals spike your blood glucose levels (amongst others things) causing weight gain and post meal drowsiness. Especially meals heavy with carbohydrates.
Ever experience The Itis?
Google it.
Depending on your body’s preference, plan to have food every 3.5-5 hours. This time span may be less if one of your meals or snacks is small or is in liquid form like a smoothie.

But I don’t have time to eat that often”, You say. You are reading this. So you have time. You eat crappy fast food. So you have time. You do fad diets. So you have time. You cry about the tire around your waist. So you have time. Your bum jiggles. EXCESSIVELY. So you have time! The point is if you want to see changes you have to make the time
Prepare your food in advance, go to bed later or get up earlier, or spend a few less minutes being hypnotized by Pinterest. Do what you have to do to get it done.
Myth #2
My metabolism is genetic, so I have no control over it.
Who told you that lie? Did you actually read it somewhere?

Yes, there is a genetic component to your metabolism, but at a measly 5% of your overall caloric intake, it is not crippling. There are tried and true ways to control your metabolism and it all starts with creating a regular eating routine. Your day should be scheduled around your meals, not your meals around your day.

The other is regular balanced exercise.
Regular meaning a minimum of 3 workouts a week that consistently challenge your current level of fitness.
Simply power walking on the treadmill isn't going to cut it after a few weeks if you want to see continued progress in the ability to control your metabolism.
Myth #3
I’m heavy so by default my metabolism must be slow.
Whoa Dolly, don’t give up on yourself that easily.

By default, a fat person has a higher metabolism than a thin person because they have more metabolizing tissue.
You may be looking at the slim skinny girl and thinking to yourself, “
wow, her metabolism must be fast to stay that slim”, but a range of factors can be contributing to her thinness. One, she may workout often giving her lean muscle mass. The more muscle the body has the more energy the body requires to feed it.
Secondly, she probably eats right.
Or, she may just have the ectomorphic body type that makes it difficult for her to retain weight.
Myth #4
Eating {Insert magical food here} will boost my metabolism.
Let’s think on this for a second.

I can reason how you could come to the conclusion that a specific food can boost your metabolism.
Vitamin A helps our eyesight. Lycopene is great for improving heart health .So that must mean hot chili peppers and green tea extract should help me rev up my metabolism and torch some fat! The cold hard truth is it doesn’t.
At least not significantly or with a long-term benefit. Spicy food and caffeine (which is also found in green tea) do have the ability to raise your caloric burn directly after a meal, but their impact isn’t significant nor long enough to boost your metabolism.

A study done by Purdue University found that there is a small chance the spiciness of capsaicin ( like that found in cayenne pepper) can suppress your appetite for sweet, salty, and fatty foods--especially if you aren't accustomed to eating spicy things.
Myth #5
Cardio burns more fat than lifting weights.
Bam! I’ll just be a cardio queen! I’m joking.
Whenever you walk into the cardio room of your local gym, you probably will see at least a dozen or more people going at it like a jackrabbit on a treadmill or elliptical. They are what I call the above mentioned typical cardio queens (and kings).
In all likelihood they have been mindlessly buzzing away for at least 30 minutes with another 30 minutes to go, after which you see them towel off and head straight for the showers with no afterthought of lifting a single weight.
Why is this mistake? Because cardio alone isn't going to get you results. Yes, cardio does burn a ton of calories, but your body’s conditioning adapts in a short period of time therefore leading to a plummeting decrease in caloric burn .But guess what. Simply being more muscular makes your body require more energy.
Each additional pound of muscle you carry around can burn up to an extra 50 calories just to maintain itself.

To start adding lean muscle mass to your frame begin incorporating strength training 2-3 times into your week where you lift heavier loads than your norm, and swap out a portion of your carbohydrate intake for protein.

Are there other beliefs about metabolism out there that you aren't so sure about?
Jasmine Cabrera is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer and food coach.She received her B.S.Ed. in Kinesiology concentrated in Sports Medicine in 2012 from the University of Virginia's Curry School of Education.
Reach her here.Jasmine Cabrera

Reposted by alphaedgefitness.com

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