If I stop working out
will my muscle turn to fat?
Muscle does not turn to fat. They are two very different types of
cells. When you see your favorite athletes after retirement and they’ve put on
a lot of weight it’s because their metabolism has slowed as they age and
because their muscle mass has declined. They burn fewer calories in their daily
activity. And they keep eating like they did their entire career but the
training has stopped.
By the way, fat does not turn to muscle either. As a matter of
fact, if you are overweight and lose weight you don’t lose fat cells. You still have roughly the same number of
fat cells. The cells just shrink as you burn the fat stored there. That’s one
reason it’s so easy to gain it back if you go back to old eating habits. The
cells are already there just waiting for you to fall off the wagon.
Should I take a pain reliever (such as Nsaids) for
DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)?
As a rule, No. Scientifically
speaking, studies have shown that Nsaids and aspirin interfere with rate of
recovery from training by masking some of the signals that initiate the
construction and repair process including protein synthesis.
I do use Nsaids on occasion
for tendonitis or minor joint pain but I wouldn’t use it just for simple DOMS
soreness. If DOMS is severe enough to affect your workout I would increase my
warm up and/or add some stretching to affected muscles. That will usually
eliminate much of the discomfort.
Aren’t squats bad for my knees? (This one is important!)
NO. Squats can be absolutely brutal and they will challenge you every
set, but there's another one of those myths floating around -- that they're bad
for knees. Squats are not bad for the knees;
improper squats are bad for the knees. Squatting with good form has been
actually shown to be beneficial for the knees and make the move one of the
biggest and best compound movements you can perform.
Every routine should include some form of squats. Squats will build a big
foundation of strength.
On the flip side, squatting halfway or incorrectly can lead
to problems, including knee pain. When you perform squats make sure your toes
stay in line with your knees. Try not to make your knees buckle out or in.(Especially
in) If you can’t get down to parallel on a conventional squat you need find an
alternative and/or work on you hip and ankle flexibility before attempting heavy lifts.
Some people simply don’t have the hip flexibility to do conventional squats.
Alternatives include: Front squats, hack squats, box squats, split
squats, Zelcher squats, Jefferson squats and others. There is almost always
some form of squat that will work. You may have to work your way up to
conventional back squats but the results are worth the effort regardless of
your goal. You can see videos of all the squat variations at
SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO alphaedgefitness@gmail.com If I don’t
have an answer I’ll find someone who does.
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