Friday, July 31, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
A Correction
I have to write a correction to a previous article in which
I stated I had never received a serious injury from lifting.
I have a friend who was not getting the results they were
after for one main reason-they were afraid of injury. They simply did not
attempt the more difficult exercises, did not use enough weight and performed
far too many reps to gain strength.
I explained that (1) I had never had a serious injury from
lifting, (2) lifting had greatly aided in recovery and long term stability from
all the injuries I had incurred outside the gym and (3) being stronger at the
time of my injuries may have prevented my injuries in the first place.
On the very next day after this conversation I incurred my
first semi-serious injury from lifting!
And the injury was entirely my fault. I wasn’t
over-reaching, I wasn’t showing off, I wasn’t pushing for a personal record, I
wasn’t using bad form or “cheating” on my form.
I wasn’t even close to my normal maximum for that lift. I was on the
vertical leg press and was more than 200 pounds below my max.
I was injured because of something you should never do. I lost concentration. I was careless. I let my mind wander.
A close relative was in the hospital after surgery with a
serious illness and things had not gone as planned. I was worried and
distracted. That is not an acceptable
You should concentrate on every rep of every set regardless
of how much weight you are using. If you are distracted and lifting heavy, pack
up and leave the gym. Having several hundred pounds on the bar is not the time to get careless or lose
concentration. Believe me, I will follow my own advice from now on.
My injury was not terribly serious (a cracked rib) but it
could easily have been much, much worse.
have an answer I’ll find someone who does.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Monday, July 27, 2015
Throw away your scales
Why do you insist on stepping
on your bathroom scales every morning? Scales
First of all, many are
terribly inaccurate. They rely on metal springs which expand and contract with
temperature and humidity. So every time the temperature changes you might just
get a different reading.
Second, your body changes
from day to day depending on:
contents-Some foods digest slower than others so the contents in your stomach
can easily add a pound or two.
What you ate the
night before-Large pasta dinner last night? Carbs are first stored in your
cells as glycogen (fuel!) But glycogen also attracts about 3 x its own weight
in water in the cell
How much salt you
had in the last 48 hours
Changes in your
stress levels
What you drank
the night before or the morning before you weigh-One liter of water weighs 2.2
The time of day
you step on the scale
These are just a few of the
reasons. Physiologically, there are many more.
It’s estimated that more people get discouraged and
stray from their plan because of their scales than any other single cause.
Scales Lie!
Let’s say you lose 3 pounds
of fat but gain 5 pounds of muscle. What does the scale tell you?
I’m not telling you to not
track your progress. Keeping track of your progress is vital. Just don’t rely
on scales.
Government Body Mass Index
(BMI) tables are no better. For one reason, the BMI tables require you to use
scales. Weight is part of the formula. But the main reason is they are adjusted
for “average” Americans. BMI is a ratio of weight to height-not fat. Nor does
it distinguish between visceral fat (the fat around your organs that causes most
health problems) and normal healthy fat.
A recent study by the International Journal of Obesity found that men with a BMI of 25 (the cutoff
for being overweight in men) had actual body fat ranging from 14 to 35!
According to government
charts, the gentleman in the top picture ( Vin Diesel ) is overweight and the
gentleman in the bottom picture (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is obese (BMI=37.4).
Do you want to be the one to tell them?
another telling picture. Five pounds of fat next to five pounds of muscle.
So how do you track your
Another way to
judge your progress, though impossible to track accurately, you already have; a mirror. But if you’ve ever watched some
of the people walking around Walmart you know that mirrors must lie too.
Photographs- Take
3 pictures (front, side and back) back at least monthly and compare. Try to
take each set under the same circumstances; lighting, time of day, distance,
camera angle, etc. For some reason we have a more realistic view of ourselves in photographs than in a mirror.
A simple
seamstress tape (about $1.19 at Wal-Mart)But, to be honest, it’s hard to get an
accurate measurement on yourself.
Build a simple excel spreadsheet or
just a notebook and record your measurements at least monthly. To be accurate
ask someone else to take the measurements. (spouse, workout partner, friend)
Record the
following measurements:
Neck chest
left upper
arm waist
Left forearm left thigh
right upper
arm right
forearm left calf
Right calf Hips
measurements won’t give you your body fat percentage but will help you track
you progress.
Be sure to
try to take the measurements at the same location each time.
If you don’t
minding spending a little more you can purchase scales that will give you your
weight, body fat percentage, lean mass percentage, and water weight by sending
a small electrical current through you feet (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis). They are battery operated and you
can’t feel the current at all. Cost has come down lately ranging from $29 to
$69. I can’t suggest any particular
brands. The one I have is several years old. Many gyms have these on site.
More accurate
than the scales is a system called EIM (Electrical Impedance Myography). It
works similar to the electronic scales mentioned above by measuring electrical
impedance at several locations on the body thus eliminating much of the error inherent
with measuring impedance through the feet alone. Currently, the devices are
more expensive than the scales. (Around $200)
To get a fairly
accurate measurement of your body fat you can purchase an inexpensive set of
calipers complete with instructions and charts at
Record your caliper measurements according
to the instructions that come with your calipers. You’ll be taking measurements
on several parts of your body. For more detailed instructions see
Don’t buy the most inexpensive
(about $4). Spring for the $15-$30 choices. Accuracy
is still dependent on you being able to measure at or close to the same point
each time. But calipers are much more accurate than the tape. (The best option in my opinion)
A very accurate
method to determine body fat percentage is immersion-they put you in a tank of
water. (Hydrostatic weighing) I doubt the increase in accuracy would be worth
the additional cost. Up to $75 for each visit
Dexa-scan. A type
of x-ray and most accurate of all but with a cost of up to $150 per scan.
Accuracy is important. But for our purposes the change
from week to week is much more important.
have an answer I’ll try to find someone who does.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Over training is a condition in which the
body sort of rebels against further training. The trainee may begin to feel
lethargic, appetite may decline, trouble sleeping may become a problem, and
loss of interest may develop. Severe overtraining may lead to sloppy form and
make the trainee more injury prone. Hypertrophy (gain in muscle mass) may
stagnate or even become negative. Strength may also stagnate or even decline.
Is over training real or imagined? Fact or myth? Many
fitness professionals disagree.
On the myth side, many say overtraining is not a real
phenomenon. They believe the human body’s ability to adapt is far greater than
most realize. They say that the problem is not with the amount you train or the
duration of your training but with the trainee’s nutrition program or with the
trainee’s recovery habits (or lack thereof) or that the trainee is just lazy
and looking for an excuse. I agree SOMETIME.
On the factual side, many say over training is a real
phenomenon. They believe the body can take only so much training before needing
a “vacation”. I agree SOMETIME.
My opinion is that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. My
opinion is based on the fact that every trainee is different. With different
recovery rates, different habits, different training styles and different
stress levels.
If you start to experience any of the aforementioned
symptoms the first step is to try to find out why.
Review your nutrition plan. Just because your present plan
worked six months ago doesn’t mean it still on point. If your weight has
changed, your training program has changed, your stress levels have changed, or
other habits have changed your nutrition may need to be adjusted.
Review your recovery plan. If the recovery plan is the same
one you used fifteen years ago you’re going to need to change! Review recovery
in the same light as your nutrition plan. If something has changed your ability
to recover may have changed, too.
Are you bored with your present program? Then maybe it’s
time to change things up. A program should be followed for a minimum of twelve
weeks. (With some minor tweaks every
three or four weeks) NOT TWELVE YEARS! Yes, I have seen people follow the same
program for years and wonder why they stopped progressing. If you stick with a
program for twelve weeks and you are still progressing in growth or strength or
both don’t make major changes. DO try a few minor tweaks. By minor, I mean try
some of the following:
Throw in a few drop sets or rest-pause sets
Do your same series of movements but change your
foot or hand position slightly
Change your tempo-slow the eccentric (lowering)
portion of the reps to say a 3 or 5 count instead of a 1 count.
Do some of your movements as unilateral (one
hand or one foot at a time instead of the usual two)
Add a “pump set” as your last set. Lower the
load and increase the rep count to, say, double your regular rep count.
Change up the order in which you do your
exercises. (But keep the heavy multi-joint lifts at or near the beginning of
your workout)
get the idea.
NOTE: There is also a major debate on whether or not you can”confuse” your
But that’s a subject
for a different discussion.
Some professionals suggest that a week or more off from your
workout is the solution. I disagree.
My reasoning is simple; too many people pig out during their
weeks off or they simply don’t come back!
Just as some “cheat meals” turn into “chest weeks”, some”time
off’ turns into “never come back”.
If you are going to use this method I suggest time off be
scheduled in advance. Coinciding with you family vacation or the holidays for
My favorite solution (after trying to find the root of the
problem) is called Deload.
Periodically, on
a schedule or when it becomes necessary I will simply reduce the weight I
normally use (by say 25%) or reduce the volume I would normally do. (Say, 4
sets to 3 or even 2 sets on heavy compound lifts)
This method keeps you in rhythm, keeps you from battling a major
case of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) which you may face after a week or
two off, and keeps your schedule on track. It also gives your joints and any
minor injury some time to recover.
Another major positive; I often find that after a Deload cycle
my hypertrophy and/or strength takes a jump of much more than my normal
progression would have been.
My opinion on over
training: It depends on the definition. I have experienced firsthand the
effects of “over training”. At least by my definition. Which is: A general
feeling of overwork or over stress related to my workouts. Maybe it’s my
nutrition, my recovery, my stress level or something else entirely. The symptoms are the same no matter what
you call it. So why quibble over the definition. Just try to find the problem
and fix it!
All that being said, don’t be too quick to jump into time
off or deload. One or two bad workouts
or an achy joint doesn’t mean you’re “over trained”. Often its right after a
couple of bad workouts that you body gets its second wind.
have an answer I’ll try to find someone who does.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
The Myth of Spot Reduction
Spot reduction is the act of
reducing the fat in a particular area of the body (usually the mid-section) by
working or otherwise stimulating only that area.
I would have thought that the
myth of spot reduction would have died decades ago. But no, the myth still
hangs on. Spot reduction is a fairy tale. It does not work. It never has and it
never will. It does exist scientifically speaking but the benefits are so infinitesimal
as to be non- existent.
I still see people in the gym
doing dozens and even hundreds of crunches and sit-ups, not so much in an
effort to strengthen their abs but to lose fat. I still see advertisements for
devices to “melt fat away” by wrapping the midsection in various belts and
wraps. Ads for devices to “stimulate fat loss using electrical shock”. Cheaply made home devices to “turn fat into
pure muscle”. (By the way, you cannot
turn fat into muscle and muscle does not turn to fat if you stop working out)And
otherwise intelligent people still buy this junk!
They are all the equivalent
of “snake-oil”. You might want to also
get a foil hat to protect you from
alien mind control. The same companies that sell the devices above probably
have the foil hat too.
Strengthening your abs and
the rest of your core with exercise is a noble goal. Working you abs to reduce
the fat around your midsection is foolish. (“Love handles” and thighs are
another popular area the snake oil salesmen like to exploit)
You may develop “abs of
steel”. But until you lose the fat covering them no one will ever see them.
Visible abs (the proverbial “6-pack”) are born in the
kitchen. If you want those strong abs to show you have
to get leaner all over. There simply is no other way. Fix your nutrition first,
increase your metabolism with resistance training to increase you muscle mass
and burn fat calories.
If you insist on spending your hard
earned money on snake oil and wasting your valuable time I can get you a really
good deal on a foil hat. Your choice of color and size. Only $19.95 plus
shipping and handling.
have an answer I’ll try to find someone who does.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
Progression (or Progression Overload) is the concept that makes this whole fitness thing
Your body is one of the most adaptable
mechanisms in the word. Introduce your body to a new form of stimulus and it
will adapt in a matter of days or weeks. It’s called Adaptive Response
Your body is also one of the
most efficient mechanisms in the world. It will find a way to use the least
energy possible for a given task.
In fitness, progression is,
well, … you progress. Whether your goal is strength, mass, speed, stamina
or weightloss.
If you’re not performing more total work
compared to the last time you lifted, then you won’t produce positive
physiological or neural adaptations.
In its simplest form
progression means when your body reaches a certain level you have to raise the
bar. Otherwise, improvement (fat loss, strength gain, muscle gain or stamina,
speed) stops or even declines.
The average period it takes
your body to adapt is less than 4 weeks. Longer for some (especially beginners),
less for others. But, at some point, you body adapts to the stimulus and gains
stop and eventually regress.
The most obvious form of
progression in resistance training is adding weight to the bar. If you set/rep
scheme calls for 3 sets of 10 for a given exercise and you hit that goal you
increase the weight. But there are others:
Increase the
volume –More sets and/or more reps, drop sets, rest-pause sets
Slow the
tempo-increase the time lowering the weight(Eccentric phase) For example, 3
seconds instead of 1 second for each rep
Change the angle
of attack-change your grip (hand placement) or your stance
Shorten the rest
period between sets-say, from 1 minute to 30 seconds
Change the order
of you exercises within your program
There are others. But you get
the idea. Anything to make the lift more difficult fights the adaptive response
of your body.
So, if your goals are any of
those mentioned above, progression must take place or your progress will stall.
But there’s more…..
After 12 to 16 weeks (give or
take) you’re going to have to do more to fight the adaptive response. Why? (1)You can only add so much weight to the bar.
If you weigh 120 pounds you are not likely to be able to dead lift 300. (Though
it’s not impossible-I’ve seen it done). And (2) your body begins to actually
anticipate what you’re going to do! That’s how efficient your body is. When
that happens you will likely start to regress.
As Captain Picard says, “There is no
maintenance phase”.
At 12 to 16 weeks it’s
probably time to change your program. A major overhaul may be required. Not to
worry, there are thousands of good, effective, workable programs.
One of the most successful
methods to beat the adaptive response long term is called Periodization.
We’ll take up that subject in
a future post.
SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO . If I don’t have an answer I’ll try to find someone
who does.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Favorite things are too easy
Some of your favorite things to do in the gym are your favorite things because they're easy. Do harder stuff. Or learn to make your favorite things more brutal.
Dani Shugart
Dani Shugart
Monday, July 13, 2015
The Myth of Steady State Cardio and Fat Loss
MYTH: Steady state cardio helps you lose weight and
burns fat.
Definition of steady state cardio (taken from a web
site advocating steady state cardio)
“Steady state cardio is
simply a cardio workout that is a continuous, steady effort, …… Any
cardiovascular/aerobic activity that is sustained for an extended time (usually
starting at about 10 to 15 minutes for beginners and 20 to 90 minutes for more fit
athletes) at a fixed intensity qualifies as steady state training.
Gradually increase your steady state training
to a 20 minute cardio routine, eventually going up
to 30 to 90 minutes. Engage in a cardio program three to five times a week for
ultimate heart health.”
(To their credit, the article quoted above
makes no claim that steady state cardio aids with weight loss or fat loss)
Up 90 minutes? 3 to 5 times a week? Really?
Let me begin by saying I have
no objections to steady state cardio. “Cardio” refers to your cardiovascular
system which begins (and ends) with the heart. Cardio is good for the heart and
the rest of the cardiovascular system. Do cardio to your heart’s content (pun
intended). Will it help you lose fat? As a rule, for the first 30 minutes of steady state cardio you will burn no
My objections to steady state
cardio is that’s it’s misused.
I can’t count the times I’ve
heard “I don’t understand why I can’t lose weight. I stay on the treadmill (or
elliptical, or stationary bike, or my new Bogus Snake-oil Machine) and hour a
day and still can’t lose weight. It must be my genetics”.
I am fed up with the TV
commercials selling some cheap “revolutionary” device with (paid) models
proclaiming “I lost 50 pounds using my revolutionary new ‘Bogus Snake-oil Machine’
in only 10 minutes a day”
It ani’t gonna happen, folks!”
Steady state cardio makes you
good at one thing: steady state cardio!
Why doesn’t it work?
The short answer: “Adaptive
Response”. The body is one of the most efficient and adaptive “machines” in
existence. It responds to mechanical stress extremely fast and finds the most
efficient way to deal with it. In this case, steady state cardio, being fairly
low on the physical stress scale, is not much of a challenge for the body. It
simply adjusts quickly to steady and predictable. Lower heart rate, very, very minor hormone
adjustment (if any) and Boom! Your
body says “I’ve got this”. So quickly, in fact, you may actually gain weight
doing steady state.
Remember, too, your body
fights very hard to not use fat stores-its fuel of last resort.
How to use cardio correctly to lose
weight and Fat
Make it harder. Confuse the adaptive response. The best and
most flexible method is called High Intensity Interval Training (HITT).
HITT is simply mixing short bursts of high intensity
movements with periods of rest and/or lower intensity movements. We’re talking seconds of each phase, not
minutes. Depending on the intensity, and
the program you are using, you can burn more fat in as little as 4 minutes than
you can with 30 minutes or more of steady state!
Two Sample Programs
“High Intensity” means all out effort. As hard and as
fast as you can go!
(Courtesy of Dr. Jim Stoppani, PHD. Published on THE BEGINNER-TO-ADVANCED
Dr. Sroppani holds a doctorate in exercise
The following program can take you from HIIT beginner to
HIIT stud in 8 short weeks.
§ It starts with a work:rest ratio of 1:4
in Phase 1 for a total workout time of just under 15 minutes.
§ Phase 2 bumps up the amount of time in
the "work" phase, bringing the ratio up to 1:2 and the total workout
time to 17 minutes.
§ In Phase 3, the rest ratio is cut in
half, bringing the ratio up to 1:1. The total workout time increases to 18.5
§ Finally, in Phase 4, the rest ratio is
cut in half again, raising the ratio to 2:1 and the total time at 20 minutes.
This will put you in the advanced ranks for HIIT.
The suggested time of each phase is just that—suggested. If
you need to spend more than two weeks at a particular phase before moving up,
go for it. Ditto if a phase seems too easy and you want to jump right up to the
next phase.
You can do these workouts using tools, such as a jump rope,
or simply doing jumping jacks, or sprinting, or working on a stationary cycle.
Use your imagination. Just follow the work-to-rest intervals as indicated.
PHASE 1 (1:4): WEEKS 1-2
§ 15 seconds: High-intensity exercise
§ 60 seconds: Rest or low-intensity
Repeat another 10 times, followed by a final 15-second
high-intensity blast.
Total time: 14 minutes
Total time: 14 minutes
PHASE 2 (1:2): WEEKS 3-4
§ 30 seconds: High-intensity exercise
§ 60 seconds: Rest or low-intensity
Repeat another 10 times, followed by a final 30-second
high-intensity blast.
Total time: 17 minutes
Total time: 17 minutes
PHASE 3 (1:1): WEEKS 5-6
§ 30 seconds: High-intensity exercise
§ 30 seconds: Rest or low-intensity
Repeat another 11 times, followed by a final 30-second
high-intensity blast.
Total time: 18.5 minutes
Total time: 18.5 minutes
PHASE 4 (2:1): WEEK 7-8
§ 30 seconds: High-intensity exercise
§ 15 seconds: Rest or low-intensity
Repeat another 25 times, followed by a final 30-second
high-intensity blast.
Total time: 20 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
(developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata)
Tabata routine works much the same as the above routine by Jim Stoppani
but is usually only 4 minutes in duration once
you are able to get to the point where you can actually last for 4 minutes!(8
Start out doing 10 seconds of high
intensity and 20 seconds of low intensity/rest. Repeat for 4 minutes total.
Once you can do that for 4 minutes
raise the intensity cycle to 15seconds and lower the rest cycle to 15 seconds.
Repeat for 4 minutes total.(8 cycles)
Progress to 20 seconds of high
intensity cycle and 10 second rest cycle. Repeat for 4 minutes total (8
Note that any HITT program can be
used with any number of exercises- Tread mill, bike, sprinting, rowing,
resistance training (called HIRT), body weight, elliptical, etc.
Arnold was supposedly ask what he
did for cardio. He replied “Lift weights faster”.
2001 8 week study indicating HIIT program
subjects reduced body fat by 2% while steady state subjects had 0 % reduction
in body fat.
*Australian study on female subjects
in a 20 minute HITT program lost 6 times more body fat than subject who
followed a 40 minute cardio program at constant intensity of 60% of maximum
heart rate.
Numerous studies that subjects doing
a HIIT program burned 10% more calories in the 24 hour period following
exercise than subjects doing a steady state program.
New Zealand study of competitive
cyclist in a 4 week HIIT program of 30 second sprints/30 second rest.
Both groups followed the same time
cycles but one group used maximum resistance as well while the other used
lighter resistance. The high resistance group increased testosterone levels by
almost 100% while the lower resistance group only had testosterone level
increases of 60%
Another study found that subjects
using a high-intensity lifting program (emphasis added)
burned 450% more calories than those using a standard program.
Boutcher, S. H. et al. The effect of high intensity intermittent
exercise training on autonomic response of premenopausal women. Medicine &
Science in Sports & Exercise 39(5 suppl):S165, 2007.
Gorostiaga, E. M., et al. Uniqueness of interval and continuous
training at the same maintained exercise intensity. European Journal of Applied
Physiology 63(2):101-107, 1991.
King, J. W. A comparison of the effects of interval training vs.
continuous training on weight loss and body composition in obese pre-menopausal
women (thesis). East Tennessee State University, 2001.
Meuret, J. R., et al. A comparison of the effects of continuous
aerobic, intermittent aerobic, and resistance exercise on resting metabolic
rate at 12 and 21 hours post-exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise 39(5 suppl):S247, 2007.
Paton, C. D., et al. Effects of low- vs. high-cadence interval
training on cycling performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
23(6): 1758-1763, 2009.
Smith, A. E., et al. Effects of ?-alanine supplementation and
high-intensity interval training on endurance performance and body composition
in men; a double-blind trial. Journal of the International Society of Sports
Nutrition 6:5, 2009.
Talanian, J. L., et al. Exercise training increases sarcolemmal
and mitochondrial fatty acid transport proteins in human skeletal muscle. Am J
Physiol Endocrinol Metab IN press, 2010.
Paoli et al. “High intensity Interval Resistance Training (HIRT)
influences resting energy expenditure and respiratory in non-dieting individuals.”
Lipids in Health and disease 2013. 12:131 (3 September 2013)
Talanian, J. L., et al. Two weeks of high-intensity aerobic
interval training increases the capacity for fat oxidation during exercise in
women. Journal of Applied Physiology 102(4):1439-1447, 2007.
Tjonna, A. E., et al. Superior cardiovascular effect of interval
training versus moderate exercise in patients with metabolic syndrome. Medicine
& Science in Sports & Exercise 39(5 suppl):S112, 2007.
Trapp, E. G. and Boutcher, S. Metabolic response of trained and
untrained women during high-intensity intermittent cycle exercise. Am J Physiol
Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2007 Dec;293(6):R2370-5.
Treuth, M. S., et al. Effects of exercise intensity on 24-h energy
expenditure and substrate oxidation. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise 28(9):1138-1143,
have an answer I’ll try to find someone who does.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
I need to get in better shape before I go to a gym
I’ve been told this before. More than once. And I’m 100% sure many other people have
thought it.
I understand. A gym can be intimidating to individuals who
have never been to a gym. But think about it. How many times have you heard
someone say “I feel too bad to go to the doctor? I need to wait until I’m
better” or “I’m bleeding too much to go to the emergency room. I’ll go when the
bleeding stops”?
What they are really saying is “I feel too overweight to be
seen in the gym” or just as often “I feel too weak (or too skinny) to be seen
in the gym”
In many cases the fitness industry has created this problem
for themselves. The public sees too many fitness magazines, brochures, and
articles showing perfectly chiseled men and perfectly shaped bikini models…. on
the cover, in the articles and in the ads.
News flash folks! Those guys and girls in the
magazines are not real! They are
photographed after weeks of preparation by the models. The lighting is
professionally done, extensive make up is applied to face and body and they are
all photo shopped. No one
looks that way every day! Even though they make their living posing for
those shots. Even professional body builders only look “stage ready” for a few
weeks out of the year. Any longer looking “stage ready” and their health begins
to suffer.
The Solution
Simply pay a visit to your local gym. Ask to be shown around
the facility. They will be happy to assign a staff member to show you around.
Don’t just pay attention to the facility. Also pay attention to the
members. Sure, you’ll see a few hard
core gym rats sporting tank tops and big arms. But you’ll see many more
ordinary people just like you at various stages of their fitness journey.
Note that different facilities have different personalities.
If you are uncomfortable you may want to stick to the friendly local gyms or
the big box gyms as opposed to gyms with names like “Junk Yard Dogs” ”Prison Yard
Strong” or “Curl ‘till You Puke Fitness
and Dance Studio”.
Pick your fitness center the same way you do your family
doctor or your mechanic. Recommendations of people you trust, reputation, and
your own comfort level.
One caveat; look for a gym where you can actually work on
your goals and work hard. Some are nothing more than day care centers for
adults who offer you tootsie rolls, free pizza and free donuts. I’m serious!
Oh, and they’ll kick you out if you grunt.
Another problem can be vast array of shiny, complicated
looking, and BIG equipment. As
physiology becomes better understood the number and variety of equipment and
machines has multiplied. I can show you
18 different machines or apparatus on which to do the equivalent of a bench
press. A big box gym may have dozens of different machines and hundreds of
pieces of other various equipment.
The staff will be happy (in fact they will probably insist)
that a staff member or trainer show you how to use all the various pieces of
equipment. Most are fairly simple despite their appearance. Any time you want
to use a machine you are not familiar with. They have staff to assist you. Don’t
try to fake it.
The fitness industry has their own rules of etiquette. But
so do most other social venues. Classrooms, waiting rooms, restaurants,
business meetings, and almost everywhere else you go. Gym rules are fairly
straight forward and based mostly on common sense. For example; Don’t start a
conversation with someone while he or she is holding 200 pounds of iron above
their head. Don’t do barbell curls standing on a moving tread mill. Don’t spit
in the water fountain. You get the picture…..
I’ll post a list of rules of etiquette in a future article.
Some are actually quite entertaining. On some, you’ll scratch your head and
wonder why anyone even needs to state that rule. But think about some of the
warnings on common household products: “Do not take these suppositories orally”,
“Do not use this hairdryer while
sleeping”, TV antenna-“Do not attempt to install while drunk, pregnant or
both”, baby clothes-“Remove child before washing”.
A misconception regarding the cost of gym membership can
also be a deterrent (or excuse).
The old long term non-cancellable contracts sold to a third
party finance company (or loan sharks) are a thing of the past. I haven’t seen one of those for many
years. The business model has totally
changed and competition has increased by leaps and bounds. For many gyms now,
membership can be as little as $10/month with a minimal or no sign up fee. In
my town there are at least 4 gyms within a five mile radius with monthly fees
of $10/month with a sign up fee of $39 or less. And there is often at least one
running specials with no sign up fee.
More and more health insurance companies, including Medicare
Supplement companies will cover your cost of membership. If the tight fisted insurance companies think getting you more fit is
in their best interest, how can argue with the fact that it’s in your best
The best reason to
go: Strong
people live longer!
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